Contest “Aviation English proficiency”
While studying at the Academy our students try to improve their English language proficiency. Lately a number of new interesting projects have been developed at the Foreign Languages Department which motivate students’ participation in English speaking club, various tutorials, interactive competitions and other extra-curricular language activities. Through creating English speaking environment the students are able to come to a better understanding of the key concepts of Aviation English proficiency.
Contests and competitions in English help to improve the academic performance and positive perceptions of learning. They are aimed at developing language competence of domestic and international students and enhancing their language experience through informal communication.
The informal nature of activities as a source of interest and motivation for the students is a demonstration of a good learning tendency at the Department, helping students overcome learning challenges.
In April a special recreation event devoted to the International Day of Human Space Flight took place at the Academy. The emphasis was more on commemorating the Cosmonautics Day where students appeared enthusiastic and willing to participate. Throughout the competition the audience was involved in the quiz to actively contribute to the discussion. In the process of a feedback loop the history of the first manned spaceflight was shortly reviewed to reassess the role of Cosmonautics in the history of mankind.
Everyone was delighted with the skills of gifted student Anton Goncharov (group 142) who was amazing at playing the violin making our musical breaks fascinating.
The participants from groups 141 and 142 had to compete to show their achievements in Aviation English language proficiency. The Competition started with the presentations of teams “Eagles” and “Galaxy Guards” which showed an evidence of how ideas can be converted into action and how artistic, creative-minded and smart our students are.
The contest for the captains drew special attention as the captain of group 141 Kiril Shevchuk and the captain of group 142 Dmytro Ruban had the benefit of producing interesting and clever speeches on the topic “My profession is the best”.
The jury (teachers S.V. Tymchenko, S.M. Muravska and 5th year student H. Stryzhak) was fair at judging and evaluating results to nominate candidates for a victory. In the contests on aircraft design, aviation words and picture description both teams made use of what they had been taught and demonstrated high quality of language knowledge. In general, students handled well a number of assignments. Lack of failure was evident, as working within a team helped them to unite efforts.
An immense enjoyment among the audience was observed for humorous picture contest. This activity served as a means of developing creative skills and enhancing effective team interactions. Everyone enjoyed the time getting new experience, interacting and reflecting positively. Either luck or good language knowledge of Group 142 was more sufficient to bring success. The team “Eagles” was the winner. Congratulation on the occasion!

Victoria Shevchenko, teacher of Foreign Languages Department