Маслюков Олег Юрійович

Аспірант за спеціальністю 275 Транспортні технології (авіаційний транспорт) Української державної льотної академії (зарахований до аспірантури денної форми навчання наказом №718/о від 31.08.2021р.).

Науковий керівник: доктор технічних наук, професор Неділько Сергій Миколайович.

Тема дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора філософії: «Методи та моделі підтримки прийняття рішень в авіаційних логістичних центрах на основі інтелектуальних інформаційних технологій».

Професійна діяльність:

United Nations World Food Programme
Deputy Chief Aviation Services, HQ Rome – Italy

Участь у конференціях:

2nd Cargo Airships of Northern Operations Workshop
When: August 2012
Where: University of Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska
The second cargo airship workshop focused on fostering the business of cargo airship operations by demonstrating that the cargo airship is now at the threshold of deployment. Workshop attendees will learn how cargo airships can be utilized generally and deployed specifically for their business operations. The overall workshop message is that the time has come for the cargo airship to get down to business.

Global Humanitarian Aviation Conference
When: October 2013
Where: Geneva, Switzerland
This global conference aims to create dialogue amongst aviation industry stakeholders on the importance of humanitarian air operations.
Furthermore, the conference topics take a closer look on existing and globally accepted aviation safety standards and identify aviation safety concerns not just for the benefit of the World Food Programme’s air operation, but for the entire global aviation sector. Annualghac

Global Humanitarian Aviation Conference
When: October 2016
Where: Madrid, Spain
The GHAC will be held in collaboration with FAA, IFALPA, COPAC, SENASA, FSF, IATA, United Arab Emirates General Civil Aviation Authority (UAE GCAA), among many other organizations.
Main topics are:
- humanitarian aviation response during emergencies
- innovation & technologies in humanitarian aviation
- business & operational aspect in humanitarian aviation

13th Humanitarian Aviation Conference
When: October 2021
Where: UAE, Dubai
The annual conference provides a platform for international collaboration and partnerships among stakeholders at a time when the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 severely impacted global supply chains and transport markets, highlighting key obstacles hindering a swift delivery of aid.
With an audience of over 200 senior delegates, 25 speakers will lead panel discussions during the conference with aims to develop innovative ideas and discuss the industry’s emerging trends.